Replacing Automatic Habits With Creative Possibilities - Arjuna Ardagh - ND3510
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Ardagh talks about awakening which suggests motion and an on-going unfoldment. Awakening Coaching goes beyond focusing on the achievement of goals. It emphasizes the pursuit of your deepest longing. For example we might have a goal to be earning more money. Awakening Coaching would guide us to the deeper question of what more money in our life would give us. Arjuna Ardagh is a writer, public speaker and founder of the Awakening Coaching Training in Nevada City, California. It’s a training program dedicated to the awakening of consciousness within the context of ordinary life. His books include: The Translucent Revolution (New World Library 2005), Leap Before You Look: 72 Shortcuts for Getting Out of Your Mind and into the Moment (Sounds True 2008), Last Laugh (Hay House 2013), Better Than Sex: The Ecstatic Art of Awakening Coaching (Awakening Coaching 2013) and Radical Brilliance: The Anatomy of How and Why People Have Original Life-Changing Ideas (SelfXPress 2018)
Interview Date: 6/7/2014 Tags: Arjuna Ardagh, coaching, enlightenment, awakening, mystical moments, unconscious habits, Radical Awakening, resistance, spaciousness, clusters of resistances, prana, absolute presence, Personal Transformation, Self Help